UA Environment for development, testing, and training

Supporting Challenging Behavior

Course Number
CS04: 03
This training offers approaches for identifying challenging behaviors with children of all ages within the early childhood classroom while also supporting teachers and families during the process.  We will discuss the importance of recognizing the difference between age-appropriate behavior and challenging behavior.  We will look at case studies and examples to help identify these behaviors and strategize ways to address them in the classroom, with families and how to obtain the necessary resources to address these behaviors.  Finally, we will review how to support teachers, children, and families observe and assess the success of interventions and behavior management plans.
After completing this course you will
•    Define the difference between age-appropriate behaviors and challenging behaviors; to use case studies to teach educators on how to identify challenging behaviors in the classroom.
•    Plan for and provide support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for children to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines.
•    Create a plan that addresses challenging behaviors by establishing expectations and rules in the early childhood setting.
•    Help educators establish proactive approaches that involve families, teachers and children working to assist challenging behaviors in early childhood.
Additional Information
This course is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese across the 6 PDC's.  **THIS COURSE IS DELIVERED IN ENGLISH!***
Course Hours

Scheduled Event(s) for this Course
This course will be delivered in an online platform on Zoom.  The url link for the course will be sent via email.  If you do not receive a link by the day before the course please email

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